Google Chat brings star messages to iOS and Android platforms



After releasing star messages on the web version of Chat back in November, Google announced over the weekend that the same feature is coming to mobile in the next few weeks.

Using an additional shortcut on the contextual menu in the redesigned navigation panel, Android and iOS users can now access any “starred” messages in Google Chat. It’s a useful feature if you need to return to a message in a chat later on.

In order to star a message on either Android or iOS, simply longpress on it and click the star. Of course, you can unstar a message from the original message or unstar messages from the shortcut.

According to Google, starring message is unavailable in existing spaces organized by conversation topic (legacy threaded). The new feature is available to all Google Workspace customers and users with personal Google Accounts.

As far as availability goes, Google says that Android users should get the ability to star messages in Chat in the next two weeks starting on January 19. On the other hand, iOS users will be getting the new feature in the same amount of time but starting on January 16.


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