As per WABetaInfo’s report, WhatsApp is now looking to integrate new AR effects and filters that users will be able to apply during video calls. The report claims that WhatsApp users will be able to take advantage of dynamic facial filters, including a touch-up tool meant to smooth their skin appearance, as well as low-light mode when they need to improve visibility.
WhatsApp’s new AR effects/filters for video calls, Credits – WABetaInfo
Besides these AR effects and filters, WhatsApp was also spotted working on a brand-new tool that allows users to edit the background during calls. WABetaInfo claims that this particular will also be available on Desktop apps, not just on mobile.
Last but not least, a new option to use an avatar instead of the real-time video feed is now in the works too. It’s meant to maintain privacy for those who don’t want their face to appear in a video call.
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