Active Attacks Targeting Google Chrome & ownCloud Flaws: CISA Warns



The CISA announced two known exploited vulnerabilities active attacks targeting Google Chrome & own cloud vulnerabilities in their catalog.

As the national coordinator for critical infrastructure security and resilience, CISA oversees government cybersecurity operations. 


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A remote attacker who had infiltrated the renderer process could have been able to carry out a sandbox escape using a malicious file thanks to an integer overflow in Skia in Google Chrome versions before 119.0.6045.199.

The severity range of this vulnerability is High. The vulnerability is currently being investigated process.


This relies on a third-party GetPhpInfo.php library that provides a URL, and it reveals the configuration information of the PHP environment. The information contains the most sensitive data such as ownCloud admin password, mail server credentials, and license key. 

Furthermore, phpinfo makes many other potentially sensitive configuration details available that an attacker could use to learn more about the system. Thus, this vulnerability should still be of concern even if ownCloud is not operating in a containerized context. 

The severity range of this vulnerability is critical(10.0) and is also under the investing process.

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