Americans are desperate to remove this popular app from their phones and tablets



Privacy experts VPNOverview wanted to find out which popular apps Americans wanted to get rid of the most. So for each of the 50 states, it looked up regional search volume for “delete” and “deactivate” apps. With help from web analytics company Similarweb, VPNOverview also analyzed the number of active users and downloads for each Android app over the last year. The result? A list of the 10 most popular apps that Americans want to delete the most.
The app that had the most searches for deletion in the U.S. was Instagram with 900,120 searches coast-to-coast. The app has seen a 25% decline in installs over the last six months. Instagram’s stable-mate Facebook was next with 385,410 search requests related to finding out how one would get rid of the app on a phone or tablet. The number of downloads has decreased by 22% over the last six months.
With search volume of 217,400 queries asking how to 86 the app. Snapchat was third with users in New Mexico and Arizona the most eager to get rid of the app. Twitter was fourth on the list (92,490 deletion search requests). Those in California, Maryland, Nevada, and Washington are most interested in getting rid of the social media app.

With 24,810 searches looking for information on deleting the app, messaging service Telegram was fifth on the list with those in New Jersey especially anxious to get the app off of their devices.

The rest of the top 10 popular apps that America most wants to wipe off their mobile devices include:

6. Spotify (14,560 searches)

7. TikTok (14,120 searches)

8. LinkedIn (8,540 searches)

9. Tinder (7,980 searches)

Number 10 is a surprise as 6,720 searches were discovered by Americans looking to delete video streamer YouTube. With over 10 billion downloads on Android alone, the number of search requests seeking a way to remove YouTube from a phone or tablet is quite a small percentage.

Christopher Bluvshtein, a Privacy expert at VPNOverview, said, “Some people are also turning their backs on social media altogether. Whether due to politics, increasing cybersecurity issues, or even insecurity over those in a more fortunate position, there’s clearly been an increasing trend of people leaving these applications behind. People are burning out. Recently, an interesting term came about known as ‘’doom-scrolling’’ Essentially, this refers to spending excess time online reading negative news. There are a lot of problems in the world right now, and this kind of endless negativity can wear you down over time, so this could easily be contributing to the phenomenon.”


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