Android 15 could hide unused notification channels



Most Android apps create several notification channels when they’re installed. However, there’s no guarantee that you will use every single one of them. As such, Android 15 could potentially hide unused notification channels. This will make customizing the notification experience of your apps just a bit better.

In case you don’t know what notification channels are, they are a way of giving specific notifications for specific reasons. For example, if you are using a social media app, you’re bound to receive different types of notifications. You could receive a notification about a new post, a notification about a like, a notification showing a new DM, Etc.

They allow you to set different notification sounds for each different scenario or silence them altogether. So, if you want to receive all of the notifications about people liking your posts, but you don’t want to receive your DMs, you can set it so.

Android 15 could hide unused notification channels

While having more notification channels does make for a more customized experience, chances are you are not going to be using every single channel. Going back to that social media app, if you don’t use the DM feature, then you’re not going to be using the DM notification channel.

One issue that people deal with is wading through an excessive amount of notification channels. Android engineer Mishaal Rahman pointed to Instagram having upwards of 25 notification channels. You are most likely not receiving 25 different types of notifications from Instagram.

Well, according to the report, Android 15 will hide notification channels that are not being used by an app. When you go to an app’s notification settings, you will only see the ones that are pushing notifications. This will make the screen much less cluttered, and you’ll be able to easily customize the notifications that you receive. In the screenshot below, we see a much cleaner interface on the right side compared to the left side.

Android 15 notification channels

This is such a useful and common-sense feature that we are certain that Google will push it to the public. However, we are not certain when. So, stay tuned for more updates on this story. Also, keep an eye out for other Android 15 headlines here on the site. For example, Android 15 could potentially show your phone’s storage chip health.


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