A couple of days back, a tipster shared the alleged first benchmark scores of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 and Dimensity 9400. The two upcoming chipsets achieved staggering numbers on Geekbench 6 and AnTuTu, though we have doubts over the legitimacy of the leaked scores. Meanwhile, the same source is now back with early Geekbench 6 scores of the Apple A18 Pro. Once again, we are looking at stunning numbers, at least for single-core CPU tests.
Apple A18 Pro returns excellent score in single-core Geekbench 6 tests
According to the tipster, who goes by the username @negativeonehero on X, the Apple A18 Pro scored around 3,500 in an early single-core CPU test on Geekbench 6. That makes it faster than the company’s M3, M3 Pro, and M3 Max processors for Macbooks. As pointed out by Wccftech, the new A-series chipset is about 14% faster than the entire M3 family, which is remarkable for a smartphone processor.
Unsurprisingly, the A18 Pro leaves the Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 and Dimensity 9400 in the dust when it comes to single-core CPU performance. In the same test, the next-gen Qualcomm and MediaTek processors scored 2,845 and 2,776, respectively. So, the Apple chip is over 23% faster than its rivals. However, the A18 Pro finds itself lagging big time when it comes to multi-core CPU performance, scoring only around 8,200.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 and Dimensity 9400 scored 10,628 and 11,739, respectively. We know these two have eight CPU cores with no efficiency core, while the A18 Pro likely has six CPU cores. But such a gap in multi-core performance still comes as a surprise. The good thing is that it is in the early stages of development. Apple has ample time to improve its multi-core performance.
All this said, there’s no way to verify if these benchmark scores are legitimate. No doubt, all three chipsets will bring notable improvements to CPU and GPU performance over their respective predecessors. But whether the end product delivers the same level of performance we see in these early benchmark runs, only time will tell. We should get clearer pictures in the coming months as the companies progress with their development works.
Only the Pro iPhones will get the Pro chip
In recent years, Apple has been shipping the new iPhones with two different chips. The Pro and Pro Max models get the latest A-series chip, while the other two models arrive with last year’s processor. The company is seemingly changing that practice this year. It is said to be readying two new processors—A18 and A18 Pro—for the iPhone 16 series, though only the two Pro models will get the Pro chip. Stay tuned for more about the next-gen iPhones.
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