The possibility of audio support for WhatsApp’s screen sharing feature is spotted in an APK teardown that reveals a code string, confirming that audio is indeed coming. The line says: “New: Listen to video and music audio together. When you screen share, audio you play on your device will also be shared with people in your call”.
This line was found in version of the WhatsApp beta app for Android.
The alleged audio support will come in handy in various scenarios – during business calls for presentations, during troubleshooting calls to your parents, and more.
With movies and series, the situation could be a little trickier. Knowing how fierce Netflix has been these last months with the password sharing crackdown, don’t expect that one friend with a Netflix subscription to screen share the latest episode (or movie) on WhatsApp for the rest of you to watch just like that.
For example, Amazon offers its own watch party functionality, but the host and participants all need Prime memberships.
That leaves watch party aficionados with the option to play and share videos that are already stored offline on the device’s storage.
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