Epic is bringing its Games Store to iOS and Android platforms



One of the biggest digital distribution online stores, Epic Games Store, is coming soon to iOS and Android platforms. The announcement was posted earlier today on Twitter in the form of a teaser, but no additional details were provided by Epic Games Store’s official account.

And since we’re talking about a distribution store, Epic couldn’t miss the chance to take a jab at Apple. The teaser claims that the upcoming Epic Games Store for mobile devices will offer “same fair terms, available to all developers, on a true multi-platform store – with amazing games for everyone.”

Epic and Apple have been trading blows over App Store fees for many years. The culmination of the conflict between the two giants peaked when Apple decided to remove Fortnite from the App Store.

Even after EU’s Digital Markets Act entered into force early this month, Apple defied the new regulations and removed Epic’s account from its store. Although the account was reinstated after a few days (and an expensive bill in the form of a €2 billion fine), it seems that Apple continues to play by its own rules.

Currently, Apple’s App Store and Google’s Play Store are the biggest, most popular app stores for Android and iOS devices, but a third alternative is definitely a good thing for developers, especially if the Epic Games Store will have lower fees than the other two.


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