Google Chat redesign finally rolling out with a floating tab bar



Google‘s effort to revamp its services continues, with the recent redesign of Google Chat making its way to Android devices. The redesign, initially announced in November, introduced a new bottom bar and interface enhancements to streamline navigation within the Chat app.

In the standalone Google Chat app for Android, the traditional bottom bar and floating action button (FAB) have undergone changes. The new design replaces these elements with a pill-shaped container featuring icons for Home, Direct messages, Spaces, and Mentions. A circular indicator visually highlights the active tab, ensuring users are aware of their current view.

However, some users noted that the absence of labels beneath the icons may require familiarization, although the straightforward Google Chat icons solve this concern. A rounded square FAB, slightly smaller than its predecessor, now resides next to the pill, offering users an option to create new chats conveniently.

Google Chat redesign aims for a balance between uniformity and individuality

The redesign, which rolled out to Google Chat and Gmail for iOS and the web, is now gradually reaching Android devices. Google announced the change in its Google Workspace Updates blog in late November. However, the server-side update is taking more than three weeks to reach all users.

In Gmail, the floating pill appears above the existing bottom bar, which condenses into three tabs. Although users have accepted this navigation approach in the dedicated app, it appears busier within the integrated Gmail experience.

Despite the visual adjustments, users have mixed opinions on Google’s recent design changes. Critics argue that the uniformity across various Google apps diminishes individuality and makes them visually indistinguishable. This shift aligns Google Chat with the broader Material You design philosophy seen in recent updates to other Google services.

As the redesign in Google Chat slowly permeates the Android ecosystem on an account-by-account basis, users can anticipate an improved and more cohesive user experience. The floating pill design, combined with the squared FAB, brings Google Chat in line with contemporary design standards. However, user preferences may vary, with some expressing reservations about the evolving visual identity across Google’s suite of applications.


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