Besides the launch of the Gemini app in India, Google removed the device requirement for Gemini in Google Messages. Until recently, the ability to chat with Gemini in Google Messages was limited to certain Pixel and Samsung devices, such as the Pixel 6 (or later), Pixel Fold, Samsung Galaxy S22 (or later), as well as Samsung Galaxy Z Flip and Z Fold series.
Google now says that it’s rolling out Gemini in Google Messages in English on select devices, which include all Android devices with 6GB RAM or higher. Obviously, your device must meet other criteria too, such as having the latest version of Google Messages installed, a personal Google Account, be 18 or over, and having RCS chats turned on.
Here is how you can start a chat with Gemini in Google Messages
- On your Android phone, open Google Messages.
- Tap the chat with Gemini, or tap Start chat Gemini.
- For the first time, follow any on-screen instructions.
- Enter your question or prompt.
- The first time you chat with Gemini, you can explore different conversations. Just tap a suggestion above the message field.
- Optionally, to add a photo to your prompt, tap Show attach media screen.
- Tap Send message.
You can also delete your entire Gemini chat in Google Messages, or you can use “Your Gemini Apps Activity” to delete specific prompts from the Gemini chat.
In related news, Google announced that Gemini 1.5 Pro, its most advanced model, is being added to Gemini Advanced in nine Indian languages: Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
The Gemini app is now available in India, supporting English and the same nine Indian languages listed above. Keep in mind that if you want to access Gemini on Android, you must download the app or opt-in through Google Assistant. Gemini access for iOS users is rolling out directly from the Google app over the next few weeks, the search giant says.
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