Google’s Weather widget icons are getting a refresh



Google redesigned its Weather app last year in tandem with the release of the Pixel Fold and Pixel Tablet. Although the new redesign included a clean new interface and a new set of weather icons, its corresponding widget kept the same old icons to represent the weather. This is about to change.

Spotted by theĀ Google News channel on Telegram, it appears that Google is now supporting the new set of weather icons on both the redesigned Weather app and the At a Glance widget that can be installed on devices other than Pixels. As usual when it comes to Google releases, this seems to be a staged rollout, so results on when you will see the new icons appear for you may vary.

Image Source: Google News Channel (Telegram)

As you can see in the image above, the updated icons appear less flat and take more of a 3D aesthetic. Additionally, in the image below, you can get a clearer picture of what the new icons will look like on your home screen weather widget, based on the redesigned weather app, once the change rolls out to your device.

Old weather widget vs new icons in redesigned weather app | Source: Phone Arena

Though not everyone places important in the appearance of widgets, Google has showed a renewed interest in them since the launch of “Material You”. Additionally, since Apple introduced home screen widgets with iOS 14, users on both iPhones and Android devices have sought out ways to customize their home screens to their liking. For those users, having a cohesive look throughout the UI is important, and hopefully this small change can help with that.
It’ll be interesting to see what other widget-related improvements Google’s got in the works. It would be nice to see some new ones pop up with Android 15, along with that rumored option to replace or completely remove the At a Glance widget from Pixel phones’ home screens.


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