Here are the improvements Elon Musk made to Twitter



Elon Musk has listed some of the improvements he made to Twitter after taking over the company in late October. The billionaire will definitely make more radical changes in 2023.

Twitter Under Elon Musk has gone through a series of changes, from laying off at least 50% of employees to releasing the notorious Twitter Files that made the company a target for public criticism. Musk even auctioned the Twitter HQ stuff like espresso machines and luxury chairs.

Beyond these, some technical changes were made to the platform that reportedly positively impacted user interaction. Musk has now listed these changes to highlight his team efforts since October.

Elon Musk highlights Twitter changes since October

The first change was made to the Fanout service for the Following feed. According to Musk, the service was overloaded when he tweeted, resulting in 95% of his tweets not getting delivered. The new Following, however, pulls from the search (aka Earlybird), and when the Fanout crashes, it would also destroy anyone else’s tweets in the queue.

Musk also changed the Twitter recommendation algorithm. The old algorithm used absolute block count rather than percentile block count. This recommendation algorithm was also a source of dispute in the past, as Conservatives believed the algorithm gives special treatment to left-wing content.

Other changes Elon Musk mentions are removing the height penalty affecting tweets with pics/videos, increased number of recommended tweets, and better tracking of dropped tweets. Additionally, the company removed the filter that caused false negatives along with the penalty, if the user follows the author. Likewise, the reach of retweets is improved to help users get more exposure. The oversized font and undersized paragraph spacing will also be fixed this week.

Despite previous news that Elon Musk wants to leave his role as Twitter CEO, he’s still running the company. The billionaire recently said he had to make tough decisions to save Twitter from bankruptcy.


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