IBM says workers should use AI to their advantage



While many workers see generative AI as a threat to their positions, IBM has a different opinion and believes workers should use AI to their advantage.

IBM has gathered the results of its research in a report, which is now available for everyone to read. The report assessed the impact of generative AI on business models, how companies will use AI for their operations, and the impact that AI has on roles.

According to the IBM study, nearly 40% of the workforce should reskill as a result of implementing AI and automation over the next three years. This means almost 1.4 billion out of the 3.4 billion people in the global workforce need to reskill due to AI and automation.

IBM also added AI won’t replace people. However, employees who know how to use and apply AI to business will replace those workers who don’t. So, if you’re an employee, instead of cursing AI, learn how to use it to develop your skills and apply it to your work operations.

Employees should not be afraid of AI, IBM says

IBM research consists of data from two prior studies, including 3,000 C-level executives across 28 countries and another of 21,000 workers in 22 nations. All evidence suggests that AI will significantly change the workforce, but you should not be afraid. Almost 87% of surveyed executives said they expect AI to augment roles instead of replacing them.

IBM continued that tech adopters who can successfully reskill to accommodate technology-driven job changes “report a revenue growth rate premium of 15% on average compared to other tech adopters.” Additionally, those who emphasize AI could “see a 36% higher rate of revenue growth than their peers.”

The report also sheds light on the essential required skills for the workforce and how AI resulted in a change. For example, proficiency in STEM was a high-priority skill in 2016, but it’s not that much required in 2023. Instead, time management and the ability to prioritize are now essential skills for every employee. Teamwork, communication skills, and flexibility are other high-priority skills.


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