Is iPhone storage full? How to free up space on your iPhone



Do you own an iPhone? So you are very familiar with the problem of running out of memory space. And even now, you may be trying to free up space on your gadget after another attempt to update the operating system or take a picture of something. Luckily, this article will tell you how to effectively clear your device’s memory and make room for the needed data.

1. Change the Camera Settings

Video content takes the lion’s share of the device memory for many users. Captured clips actively consume the free space but are rarely reviewed or distributed. Most videos eventually remain stored on the smartphone. The difference in file size with different resolutions is demonstrated in the iOS settings: Settings → Camera → Video recording.

If you lower the quality from 4K to 1080p, you can halve the final size of the video. If you do not shoot at 60 fps, the video will take up to half the space. It is an excellent solution since, compressing the video quality alone, you can reduce the final size of this content by three times.

2. Remove Unnecessary Photos

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The second most crucial space eater on the iPhone is photos. A dozen or a hundred photographs will not affect the free space. Still, many users over the years of working with iOS have thousands of unnecessary pictures in their media library.

And here we mean outdated screenshots, failed photos you forgot to delete, duplicate or similar images, and a dozen more blurry or faulty frames. But it is impossible to clear an extensive media library manually. Fortunately, you can use the following photo-deleting apps to fix this problem:

  •  Smart Cleaner
  • Slidebox
  • Gemini Photos
  • Phone Cleaner
  • Cleanup

These apps are elementary to use: you must choose the right one and delete unnecessary photos. Remember also to clear the Recently deleted album in the Photos app afterward.

3. Upload Photos and Videos to the Cloud

If you don’t want to compress your videos and your photos don’t have duplicates or unwanted screenshots, you can free up space by uploading your content to the cloud. Use the standard iCloud: Settings → Photos → Photos in iCloud. But you must buy more free space because the initial 5 GB of storage is insufficient.

So you can choose a third-party cloud with favorable rates or essential storage capacity or create your cloud storage. Then, when you run the client for the first time, you can unload the entire gallery with one click and free up a few gigabytes on your iPhone. After that, it’s enough to run the service client once or twice a week, unload all the photos, and then delete them from your smartphone.

4. Unload Unnecessary Apps

One of the iOS features allows you to unload unused apps on your smartphone automatically. The system, at its discretion, removes programs and games that have not been used for a long time, leaving the settings and data on the iPhone.

But you can return an app to your smartphone with a single click at any moment. Thus, you can trust the system and enable automatic unloading via Settings → iTunes Store and App Store → Unload Unused, or you can go to Settings → General → iPhone Storage and manually unload some heavy programs that are not needed at the moment.

In the first case, you will not notice the effect immediately since it takes time for the system to identify unused programs. And in the second case, there will be no risk of staying at the right time without a particular program: you will immediately identify several large programs for download and see the result.

However, you may encounter another problem with apps when they don’t load. So what can you do in this case? For example, you can fix iPhone apps not loading problems with the help of the consulting service Howl experts, who solve various technical issues daily.

5. Delete Downloaded Music

Music lovers often download their favorite playlists, albums, or tracks directly to their devices to keep themselves safe if they go offline. Unfortunately, as a result, after a couple of months, the music tracks start taking up a lot of space on the smartphone. To solve this issue, you can turn off the automatic downloading of audio on your iPhone that is added to your media library.

Then clean it of outdated tracks that you hardly ever listen to. You can find these songs by using special automation commands. And the most radical way is to go to Settings → Basic → iPhone Storage → Music and delete all the music downloaded to your smartphone.

6. Clear the Other Storage

Sometimes the most consuming section of the dynamic memory is the Other storage containing the system cache, software trash, and data from installed applications. Unfortunately, iOS does not provide detailed statistics in this section. But downloaded videos on YouTube, movies in VLC, or projects in iMovie can consume much space on your phone.

To fix the problem, you need to assess the size of the applications in the menu Settings → Basic → iPhone Storage and then delete unnecessary content and free up space. Active iPhone users who transfer backups from one device to another and don’t set up the system from scratch can pull gigabytes of unnecessary cache, which also ends up in the Other storage. The easiest and most effective way to get rid of the phone’s trash is to make a backup and restore from a copy.

Summing Up

You can easily take the measures described above to clear the memory of your iPhone of unnecessary data. These practical tips will help you keep track of the occupied space and unload the data if necessary. As a result, you can free up about a dozen gigabytes of space. In addition, you can also use helpful apps like Slidebox, Gemini Photos, or Phone Cleaner, which diagnose your device memory, and clean cache and temporary files.



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