According to reporting by Android Authority, some Reddit users have speculated that the lack of access to the VPN by Google service might be tied to the June update not yet being rolled out by their carriers. However, other users have reported receiving the update but still facing issues with the VPN. This inconsistency suggests that the issue may be more widespread than initially thought, and it could potentially be caused by a glitch in the VPN app itself or compatibility issues between the app and certain Pixel devices or software versions.
It’s worth noting that this issue appears to be limited to a subset of Pixel users, and many others have successfully transitioned to the new VPN service without any issues. Google has not yet commented on the reported issues, but it’s likely that they are working on a fix for those affected. In the meantime, Pixel users who are experiencing difficulties with the new VPN service may want to explore alternative VPN options or wait for Google to address the issue, which should hopefully be soon.
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