On Tuesday, Google released Android 15 Beta 3, which now signals platform stability. This means that all app-facing behaviors, as well as the APIs, are now final. Developers can now publish necessary updates to prevent compatibility issues and take advantage of the latest features.
With the release of Beta 3, we are down to one final beta update (next month), before the final release comes at some point after August.
The stable release of Android 15 can launch at any point after August 1. In previous years, it typically launched in September, though last year, it was pushed back to October. However, back in 2022, Android 13 was released in August. So it could really be anytime after August.
Android 15 Beta 3 brings improved user experience for passkey and Credential Manager
With this beta, Google is allowing users to sign into apps that target Android 15 using a passkey, in a single step. Users will be able to use passkeys with facial recognition, fingerprint, or screen lock. This provides users with a single-step UI experience, making it much more streamlined.
Passkey and other credentials will also now appear as suggestions for autofill in keyboard suggestions or dropdowns. Finally, registered credential providers will no longer have to manage biometric prompts and can leverage the single-tap sign-up and sign-in experience through upcoming APIs in Jetpack.
Google is encouraging app developers to try out the new features and APIs in Android 15, as well as test your current app for compatibility.
If you’re interested in trying out the Android 15 Beta and have a Pixel, you can head over to the Android Beta Program and opt in. You’ll then get an update on your device to download the Android 15 Beta and be on your way. A few other non-Pixel phones are included in the beta, like the OnePlus 12. However, you’ll need to wait for OEMs like OnePlus to release the new beta for compatible phones.
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