Samsung Space Zoom accused of producing fake images



Samsung’s Space Zoom is the imaging technology put to use when taking photos of the moon. A lot of Samsung fans have flexed clear moon images taken with the help of this feature. But it seems like the imagery feature they pride themselves on actually produces fake images.

Multiple sources draw from a recent Reddit post that claims that moon images taken with Samsung flagship devices are fake. The user brought a good amount of evidence to show that the Samsung Space Zoom is a scam. According to the Reddit user, moon images undergo some edits while it is processing.

Well, such a claim will need detailed proof to be able to hold water in the smartphone community. To a good extent, the Reddit user provided evidence to back up their claim. Let’s take a close look at the evidence to back up the claim that the Samsung Space Zoom produces fake images.

Evidence to back up claims that the Samsung Space Zoom technology produces fake images

In a very detailed post, Reddit user u/ibreakphotos shared their thoughts on the Samsung Space Zoom feature. According to them, images taken with this feature are fake in a way. The user went on to back their claims with some evidence, which they say “nobody succeeded” to get up until now.

To prove that the Samsung Space Zoom feature is fake, the Reddit user took a few steps. First, they downloaded a high-resolution moon picture from the internet to help prove this point. They then proceeded to reduce the picture’s quality before proceeding to the next step.

To reduce the image quality, the Reddit user downsized it and applied a Gaussian blur. This cut off all photo noise and took away all the details, hence making the once high-resolution moon image blurry. The user then proceeded to play a trick on their flagship Samsung device and it shamelessly fell for it.

The main purpose of downloading this high-resolution moon image and then reducing its quality was to treat it like the actual moon. Carrying in with this test, the Reddit user displayed the blurry moon image on their monitor. Following this, the user turned off all the lights in the room, pulled out the Samsung device and took a photo of this artificial moon. The Samsung Space Zoom feature then proceeded to add some details to the artificial moon, hence producing an inaccurate image.

This backs the claim that Samsung’s Space Zoom feature launched a few years ago is fake. The feature uses an AI model to add details to the blurry moon to make it appear clearer when captured. Since this post was uploaded to Reddit, it has gained a lot of attention from netizens, but Samsung is yet to comment on this issue.


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