Well, as it turns out, it’s linked to one of the ways to stalk another Spotify user. Some prominent snoopers have made full-blown guides with best practices, while others have shared heartbreaking stories about finding out how their — now ex — girlfriend was having an affair. Yes, through Spotify.
Turns out that if someone likes a song that your SO is listening to too fast, it may be an indication of something sinister going on behind the scenes. Or it might just be paranoia.

It’s like listening without the headphones on! Or is it?
If you turn it on, though, users from the mobile app will be able to check out what you’ve listened to lately and browse through all of your public playlists. And if they follow you, and they are logged in on PC, they can even see what you are listening to in real time.
You’ve been granted the power to eliminate stalkers, if you happen to suspect the presence of such entities. The resolution is quite obvious: block them! That way, even if your stuff is public, they won’t be able to see any of it… Until they make a new account, of course. And given that Spotify has a free service model too, that’s not out of the question.
On the surface, this seems like the latest fad, which showcases the online adaptability of younger generations. However, if some of these snoopers are truly finding success through seemingly absurd tactics, how long do we have to wait until malicious actors become capable of tracking potential victims through listening habits alone?
Well, we can’t say if that’ll happen and we sure hope that it doesn’t, but if Netflix or Shudder ever make a horror movie like that, we’re expecting a prominent credit — both in-scene and in-credits. Until then, always remember to check the Settings section of your most-used apps.
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