Sundar Pichai revealed how transformative AI will be for humanity



AI wears several hats; it’s the next frontier in human technology, it’s our potential downfall. Whatever you want to call it, AI is here to stay, and we’re still just speculating on its potential impacts on the world as we know it. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, just gave his view on how transformative AI will be for humanity.

In case you don’t know, Google is one of the front-runners in the AI industry. Before this whole generative AI craze, the company was able to squeeze powerful AI into its services. So, naturally, the company is a generative AI heavyweight.

Sundar Pichai likened AI to fire and electricity

Pichai recently did an interview with CBS News (via about the progress of AI and its future potential. In the interview, he noted that he believes AI will be more transformative than fire and electricity. That’s a bold statement; fire and electricity are two of the most fundamental human discoveries, and they paved the way for the modern era.

The question is: Is that actually true? Can AI truly chart the course to the next step of human technology? It’s possible. So far, we’ve seen some of AI’s potential. It goes far beyond just generating images and writing college essays. Since generative AI is so broad, it can pretty much do anything. This means that it can be implemented in just about any service. We’re seeing a ton of services across several industries offer some sort of AI service.

If you need to create a video, AI can do it for you; if you need to edit a photo; AI can do it for you; If you need to put your resume together; AI can do it for you. AI is spreading throughout the internet rapidly. This means that it’s becoming more of a mainstay in our modern lives.

With AI automating so many tasks that people used to perform, there’s going to be a massive shift in the workforce. It’s no little-known fact that workers across several industries are fearful of losing their jobs because of AI. Until last year, AI couldn’t really do much. However, it’s progressed to the point where a chatbot can do, in seconds, what it would take a human being minutes or hours to do. Now, Chatbots can start doing jobs that high-paid executives do. This is only going to accelerate.

So, Sundar Pichai wasn’t lying when he likened AI to fire and electricity. The technology is transformative, but we’re still in the dark about whether it’s going to be constructive or destructive.


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