As reported by 9to5Mac, Pavel Durov, the brain behind Telegram, has teased a version of the messaging app specifically tailored for visionOS, the operating system custom-made for Apple’s Vision Pro headset. Durov spilled the beans through a video on his Telegram channel, offering a sneak peek into the augmented reality (AR) experience.
The teaser spills the beans on an immersive video player and animated AR stickers that go all out, stretching beyond the confines of the app window. Telegram for VisionOS brings voice input into the mix for composing messages, offering a hands-free option. Siri dictation and the system’s virtual keyboard take center stage for dispatching messages.
While the details are a bit sparse at this point, the clock is ticking, and with Vision Pro expected to hit US stores next year, Telegram has a bit of breathing room to fine-tune the visionOS app for a grand launch in the coming year.
Back in June, Apple gave us a taste of its augmented reality masterpiece, Vision Pro. The headset is poised to grace the market in 2024, sporting a price tag of $3,499 in the US.
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