Text Formatting for Google Keep Notes is rolling out



Last year, we got the news that Google was looking to add some text formatting to its notetaking app Keep Notes. Not too long ago, we saw a leak of this functionality showing us that it’s pretty basic but useful. Now, according to Mishaal Rahman, the text formatting for Google Keep Notes is finally rolling out.

Google Keep Notes is a great notetaking platform if you want an integrated experience. You’re able to make text-based notes, but you’re also able to make hand-written notes and audio notes along with uploading pictures.

Since Keep Notes is tied to your Google account, you know that you’ll be able to access your notes from any device logged in with your Google account. If you’re an avid notetaker, then you should give this app a try.

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Text formatting is rolling you for Google Keep Notes

The text formatting is pretty basic with this app, but that shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Notetaking doesn’t really require complex formatting. You’re able to use two heading sizes if you want to have titles and sub-headings.

As for the paragraph text, you can use the basic formatting that you’d see in any word processor. You have the bold, italics, and underline options. In order to access the formatting, you’ll need to tap on the formatting button on the toolbar right above the keyboard.

All of the options will be laid out on the toolbar so you’ll be able to quickly access them. On the right side of the toolbar, you’ll see the “X” to close it.

So, if you need to take more in-depth notes using the app, you’ll have some formatting to make the experience better. Right now, this feature is still rolling out, so you might not see it right away. Make sure that your app is fully updated.


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