The FCC will vote to restore net neutrality later this month



Nowadays, AI is the biggest buzz phrase in the tech world. However, just seven years ago, the biggest buzz phrase was net neutrality. Back in 2017, the established net neutrality rules (established in 2015) were taken away, and many users were furious. Well, the FCC will vote to restore net neutrality later this month.

One of the biggest debates in the tech world was whether eliminating net neutrality would allow internet service providers to commit heinous acts. These acts could include throttling specific websites. This is one of the driving forces behind the hate toward this ruling. However, it does not seem like companies have been doing this.

Rather, it appears that the internet has remained pretty much the same even though the ruling came nearly a decade ago. In any case, the subject of net neutrality has been on the minds of some officials since last year.

The FCC will vote on net neutrality later this month

Back in October last year, FCC chair Jessica Rosenworcel brought forth a proposal to bring net neutrality back. It took a long five months to get to this point. We all know that the government works at a snail’s pace, but the reason for this delay was the fact that the commission had trouble gaining a third Democrat to secure the votes. The Democrat in question is Anna Gomez. With Gomez in this seat, the vote is able to move forward.

At this point, we’re not quite sure which way this vote will go. What we do know is that we expect the vote to take place on April 25th. That’s a few weeks away, but the tech community isn’t quite on the edge of its seat like it was back in 2017.

If the vote falls in favor of returning net neutrality, then the new rules will take place 60 days after the vote is finalized. When that happens, internet service providers will need to adjust their businesses accordingly.


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