TikTok launches new Creator Rewards Program



TikTok confirmed early this month that its Creativity Program will be leaving beta beta with some improvements and a new name. Today, the change has been officialized with the introduction of the new Creator Rewards Program, which replaces the beta program.

The new Creator Rewards Program will continue to reward high-quality and original content (over a minute long) using an optimized rewards formula that takes into consideration four major aspects: originality, play duration, search value and audience engagement.

TikTok says that the new formula will also automatically reward creators for their account’s ad value determined by their community’s ad watchtime.

Along with the new Creator Rewards Program, TikTok also released some improvements to the dashboard to offer creators updated analytics and data, as well as more customization for deeper analysis of their content performance, estimated rewards, qualified views, and program eligibility.

The updated Creator Rewards Program dashboard features dedicated pages for each video, which will include information about RPM and qualified video views. Additionally, TikTok announced that creators will have access to their last payouts for reliable records of their previous and upcoming earnings.

Of course, not everyone will be able to benefit from the rewards offered by this program. To be eligible for the Creator Rewards Program, creators must be at least 18 years old, have at least 10K followers with a minimum of 100K views in the last 30 days, and have a personal account in good standing where the program is available.


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