Tinder Matchmaker now lets users’ loved ones pick their next date



The new Tinder Matchmaker feature is here to make picking a date on the platform a collective effort. With this feature, users will be able to invite up to 15 of their loved ones to help them with their date-picking decision. Now, this isn’t about passing your phone to these loved ones and asking them to pick which dates are best for you, as all actions are within the app.

By heading to the app setting or using the profile card, users can start the Matchmaking process. Users will then need to invite their loved ones by creating and sharing an invitation link with them. This invite link can be shared with over 15 loved ones for them to give their opinion on the date via the Tinder app.

For those invited to the Matchmaking process, Tinder gives them 24 hours to give their ideas on the pick. While this is an impressive feature and useful for those in need of a second opinion on the matter, there are some limitations. These limitations affect the loved ones invited to give an opinion on the date the Tinder user intends to go out with.

You can now get date advice from your loved ones using the new Tinder Matchmaker feature

Picking a date on Tinder is a bit of a gamble, as you might not have a good idea of what the person is like. For this reason, most users of Tinder ask for a second opinion from loved ones like parents, siblings, other family members, or friends. Tinder is now making it much easier for you to seek a second opinion on your dates before even going on them.

This time around, you don’t need to physically ask the second eye for their opinion. By just sharing a Matchmaking link with them via the app, you can get their opinion on the date. Users can pick up 15 people to give their ideas on the date, but all don’t necessarily need to be Tinder users.

Well, there are a few limitations to the usage of this feature, and they are there to keep things in order. The first limitation is the number of people that Tinder users can invite to give their opinions on their date. Next, Tinder gives the Matchmakers only 24 hours to give their idea of the date.

After 24 hours, the Tinder users can then review the Recommendation that their loved ones (Matchmakers) have given. The last limitation is that Matchmakers who are Tinder users can’t text the dates they are reviewing for any reason. They are blocked from doing this by Tinder to keep things between the dates and not expand the conversation to others.

Parents especially will love this feature as it gives them a say in their child’s possible relationship. With this, they can give their opinion on who their child is going out with via the Tinder app. Over the next few months, this feature will roll out to 15 countries, including the US, UK, Australia, Canada, France, and Germany.


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