Twitter may soon start asking for your ID in order to verify if you are a real person



Nowadays, you can’t help but notice all the Twitter drama. But it’s maybe a good thing, as the more popular a social media platform is, the more users need to be sure that it’s a safe place to hang around on. Weather that should come at a cost and result in a blue checkmark — you’ll have to be the judge. In a further attempt to improve Twitter, Musk’s team allegedly already have a new feature planned: ID verification. This will surely help Twitter users become informed about whether the person they are following is actually someone real. 

This will also help the platform combat impersonators, with the attempt likely being tied to the everlasting conflict to end internet misinformation. That being said, real people can lie too, so in the end, users will still have to apply their common sense for final judgment.

TechRadar managed to spot a Tweet from a reliable leaker, who’s been known in the past for spilling tea about upcoming features and changes to the social platform. The post also has an image to go along with it, but fair warning: it seems to be in German.

The contents of the Tweet detail an allegedly upcoming flow that will allow users to upload their legal ID along with a selfie, so that the platform can verify their identity. While this is indeed a step towards combating toxicity on the platform, seeing the internet lose another bit of its coveted user anonymity will likely bum some users out.

From the leaker’s Tweet, it would appear that a third-party company will handle the verification process, in order to ensure protection over user data. Despite all of this sounding like a done deal, you should keep in mind that it is just a rumor. A logical rumor, but a rumor nonetheless. Time will tell if it becomes a reality and if Musk is still head of Twitter by then.


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