WhatsApp backups will now eat your Google Drive space



When using WhatsApp, especially for business, you want to make sure that your data is all backed up. You never know when you’re going to need it. This is why the app allows you to back up your data using the cloud. iPhone users can back up their data to iCloud, and Android users can back up their data to Google Drive. Well, unfortunately, WhatsApp backups now eat into your Google Drive storage.

Ever since 2018, Android users have been able to back up their storage to Google Drive, and their backups would not count toward their drive storage. This is great for free Google Drive users who only have access to 15GB of cloud storage. However, all good things must come to an end

WhatsApp backups will count toward your Google Drive storage

This is unfortunate, but it wasn’t unforeseen. WhatsApp announced this back in November. It said that this is going to come to an end in early 2024. Well, it’s early 2024, and people are starting to see this happen. So, if you have a ton of data backed up to your WhatsApp account, you’ll want to see how much space is being taken up.

A good way to check is to go to the Google One app. Open the app and go to the storage tab at the bottom. There, you’ll see a breakdown of how much storage is being used from different Google services like Gmail, Google Photos, ETC. Your WhatsApp data should be under a section named “Other”. It will show you how much storage is being taken up by your WhatsApp data.

Managing your data

So, if you want to reduce how much data is being taken up by WhatsApp, tap on the WhatsApp section on the storage page. You’ll be taken to another page that shows you a breakdown of all of your WhatsApp files. Look through your files, and see which ones you want to keep and which ones you want to trash. You never know if you’re holding on to old files that you don’t need anymore.

If you want to stop backing up your data altogether, go to WhatsApp and go to your Settings. There, tap on the Chats button. Go to the bottom and click the chat backup button. About halfway down, you will see the Backup to Google Drive button. Tap on that and choose the Never option up top.


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