Up until now, WhatsApp Business users needed a Facebook account to create, purchase and publish a Facebook or Instagram ad. Thankfully, a Facebook account will no longer be required to do all those processes within the WhatsApp Business app.
Earlier today, Meta confirmed that starting soon, it will make it possible for small business that run their operation on WhatsApp to create, purchase and publish Facebook or Instagram ads directly within the WhatsApp Business app without having to own a Facebook account. The only thing required in order to be able to create a Facebook or Instagram ad is an email address and a form of payment.
In addition, Meta revealed plans to start testing a new feature within the WhatsApp Business app that will allow business to send personalized messages to their customers such as appointment reminders, birthday greetings, and updates on sales, in a quicker and smoother way.
Instead of having to manually send the same message to multiple customers, the new feature will allow businesses to send personal messages with the customer’s name and customizable call-to-action buttons to specific customer lists. However, Meta says that this optional feature will be offered for a fee in the WhatsApp Business app. No word on when it will be launched though since testing hasn’t begun yet.
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