WhatsApp launches new features for polls and captions



WhatsApp is bringing new features to those using polls and captions on its messaging platform. Three new updates for polls are now available for WhatsApp users, as well as a new option to share with captions. Three new changes have been added to the polls feature, each significantly improving productivity and the fun factor.The first one is the ability to create single-vote polls. This new type of poll allows people to vote only once. Poll creators must turn off the “allow multiple answers” option to prevent people from voting more than once.

Another interesting new feature introduced today is the ability to search for polls in a chat window. It makes it easier to find a poll that you decide to answer later. A new option to filter messages by polls is now available in WhatsApp, which is similar to the one that filters photos, videos or links. The new filter can be found by pressing Search on the Chats screen and then choosing Polls.

The third and last update for polls is aimed at poll creators. Notifications will now be sent to poll creators when people vote. In addition, poll creators will now be able to see how many people have voted in total with every notification they receive.

As far as captions goes, WhatsApp announced that users can now share documents with captions. Also, when forwarding any type of media that has a caption, new options are now available to keep, delete or completely rewrite it to provide more details when sharing photos between chats. WhatsApp users will also be able to add a caption to photos and videos when they forward them.

According to WhatsApp, all the new features announced today will be rolled out to users globally in the coming weeks, so be patient if these don’t show for you immediately.


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