YouTube will no longer demonetize creators for casual profanity



If you need me to explain YouTube to you, I’d be more interested in hearing your backstory first. Jokes aside — everyone knows Google’s video streaming platform nowadays, and most people use it as creators or viewers. We’re on there too!

Last year, though, YouTube challenged its influencer’s patience with the introduction of a controversial set of community guidelines. They were so rough on creators, that even occasional f-bomb slip ups could lead to a video getting completely demonetized. Just in case — that means that the user who uploaded the video wouldn’t be able to make money off it.

Today, however, the Big G made an announcement through its blog — and this is where we hear the collective sigh of relief — that they are rolling back some of the harsh regulations. More importantly, in its own words, Google stated that “moderate profanity” is now allowed.

In typical Google fashion, while this is great news, it doesn’t help much when trying to figure out what “moderate” profanity precisely means, but at least they give us specific rules regarding the f-word. For example, creators aren’t allowed to use it in the first seven seconds of the video or excessively throughout the content, but a casual mention here and there should be fine.

Wow, that explanation is incredibly absurd, but hey — this is people’s earnings we’re talking about.

These new rules also extend to musical contents, meaning — lyrics, but the platform will still not allow users to utilize profanity in their thumbnails or titles. And that, we feel, is for the better. After all, modern day street-talk is one thing, but providing visual examples feels like a bit too much.

Excessive usage of negatively impactive language will, ultimately, still be penalized by the system through demonetization. The same is expected to happen to videos that fit the above mentioned criteria, that falls on the visual side of things. And that was your daily sample of the theoretical self-talk that the Google-bot does, when it scowlers the platform for profanity. 

But what does all of this mean for you, the end-user and consumer of this theoretical risky video content? Well, you’re about to hear a lot less bleeps and more real talk from your favorite creators. While we can’t say if that is good or bad, we’re happy to see that YouTube won’t be taking away their money for minor, casual mishaps.


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