YouTube’s latest feature will quickly become your favorite



YouTube is apparently testing out a new “stable volume” feature. Which is something that you have to wonder, why it took YouTube so long to add. Audio normalizers aren’t new, but still a welcome feature.

According to Twitter user @iTechAndriod, they’ve found a new option in the settings for specific videos, that now shows “Stable Volume”. This is in the same menu as video quality, captions, loop video and other options.

There’s no official word from YouTube on what this feature does, but since it is located on each video, and not in the YouTube app settings, it sounds like it will stabilize the volume throughout the video, rather than for every video. That way any sudden volume changes aren’t felt as much by the user. And it’s a feature that you’re probably going to love.


Stable Volume appears to be in testing

While a number of users on Twitter have mentioned that they’ve seen this option on YouTube, we are not seeing it on any of our devices here. Likely meaning that this is in testing right now. Google tends to do A/B testing for features like this, before rolling them out. To see how users react to them, and if they should be changed.

Sometimes, changes like this that are in A/B testing, don’t always make it to a full rollout. But this one likely will. As it does seem to be a pretty important one.

YouTube has been making a lot of changes lately, and bringing back some features that they had gotten rid of. Like the ability to sort videos by oldest on individual YouTube channel pages. So they’ve been quite busy in the past few months. Which is good, because when Google starts to work less on a project, it usually gets axed – though we would definitely not expect that with YouTube, given how much money it makes Google.


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